Proceedings of the Workshop “Conservazione, tutela e valorizzazione della agrobiodiversità microbica della Sardegna“,
30 Ottobre 2020, Meeting virtuale (in Italian).
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- Perotti M.C., Wolf I.V., Addis M., Comunian R., Paba A., Meinardi C.A., (2011). Alimentos funcionales de leche de oveja: influencia de la adición de bacterias probióticas en la maduración de quesos. Proc. XIII Congreso Argentino de Ciencia y Tecnología de Alimentos (CYTAL-AATA). 4º Simposio Internacional de Nuevas Tecnologías. II Simposio Latinoamericano sobre Higiene y Calidad de Alimentos, Buenos Aires, 19-21 de octubre de 2011.
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- Schirru S., Todorov S.D., Favaro L., Mangia N.P., Basaglia M., Casella S., Comunian R., Gombossy de Melo Franco B.D., Deiana P., (2012). Sardinian goat’s milk as source of bacteriocinogenic potential protective cultures. Food Control, 25, 309-320.
- Favaro L., Schirru S., Comunian R., Basaglia M., Casella S., Paba A., Daga E., Gombossy de Melo Franco B.D., Pinheiro de Souza Oliveira R., Todorov S.D., (2012). Comparison of bacteriocins production from Enterococcus faecium strains in cheese whey and optimised commercial MRS medium. Sub-session 2.1 – Food processing and agro-industrial waste biorefinery. Environmental Engineering and Management Journal, ISSN 1843-3707 vol. 11(3): S73.
- Daga E., Schirru S., Paba A., Porcu S., Scintu M.F., Comunian R., (2012). Phenotypic and genotypic antibiotic resistance of Coagulase-Negative Staphylococci (CNS) from traditional naturally dry fermented sausages produced in Sardinia. Proc. III CONVEGNO NAZIONALE Società Italiana di Microbiologia Agraria, Alimentare e Ambientale (SIMTREA) Bari, 26-28 giugno 2012 – Sessione IV – Microbiologia Alimentare (II).
- Comunian R., Paba A., Daga E., Schirru S., Scintu M.F., (2013). Analisi microbiologiche per il monitoraggio della microflora lattica e anticasearia di siero-innesto e formaggio Casu Axedu. In: Stima della shelf-life di un formaggio fresco al fine di mettere a punto procedure operative impiegabili dalle aziende del comparto, 33-46. Presentazione in occasione dell’incontro tecnico tenutosi nel Centro di aggregazione sociale di Villagrande Strisaili, 5 dicembre 2013. Available online at:
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- Campus M., Sedda P., Cauli E., Piras F., Comunian R., Paba A., Daga E., Schirru S., Zurru R., Bandino G., (2014). Comparison of a single strain starter culture and a selected inoculum enrichment in the processing of natural table olives. DOI: 10.13140/2.1.4442.1129 Conference: Olive Bioteq, International Conference for Olive Tree and Olive Products, Amman, Jordan, 3-6 November, 2014.
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- Comunian R., Ferrocino I., Paba A., Daga E., Campus M., Di Salvo R., Cauli E., Piras F., Zurru R., Cocolin L., (2017). Evolution of microbiota during spontaneous and inoculated Tonda di Cagliari table olives fermentation and impact on sensory characteristics. LWT – Food Science and Technology, 84: 64-72.
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- Pisano, M.B., Fadda, M.E., Melis, R., Ciusa, M.L., Viale, S., Deplano, M., Cosentino, S. Molecular identification of bacteriocins produced by Lactococcus lactis dairy strains and their technological and genotypic characterization, Food Control, 51, pp. 1-8 (2015)
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- Piras, C., Marincola, F.C., Savorani, F., Engelsen, S.B., Cosentino, S., Viale, S., Pisano, M.B. A NMR metabolomics study of the ripening process of the Fiore Sardo cheese produced with autochthonous adjunct cultures, Food Chemistry, 141 (3), pp. 2137-2147 (2013)
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